How much will it cost me?

We are increasing accessibility and affordability to virtual reality healthcare for patients all around Australia. 

Physiotherapy Pricing

We are proud to be a Bupa Members First provider, offering low-gap physiotherapy to eligible Bupa customers. 

Are you a Bupa Member?

Not a Bupa Member?

Looking for NDIS pricing?

Are you on an EPC plan?

Psychology Pricing

Looking for telehealth psychology?

Want to see an XRHealth physiotherapist?

Anyone can experience the power of telehealth physiotherapy, using virtual reality technology! 

Initial Consultation: $99 
Standard Consultation: $80

Price: -

You may be able to claim your sessions through your private health insurance provider. Your out of pocket expense may vary depending on levels of private health insurance coverage. Please contact your health insurance provider for more details, and quote Item Code 811 (Initial Consultation) and Item Code 812 (Standard Consultation).

To find out how to claim from your specific health insurance provider, use the following tool: 


Bulk Billing – EPC

Bulk Billing is provided for patients that have a valid Enhanced Primary Care Plan or EPC referral from your doctor.

This plan enables us to bulk bill up to 5 treatments per calendar year. 

Please note that any further treatments beyond the initial 5 sessions will require payment at the time of consultation.

NDIS Pricing

Anyone can experience the power of telehealth physiotherapy, using virtual reality technology!

Initial Consultation (60 minutes): $150
First VR Consultation (60 minutes): $150
Standard Consultation (45 minutes): $115
Social and Participation Bundle (per week): $55

Please note: you may be able to claim some or all of your consultation costs back via your NDIS Capacity Building Support budget. Contact your NDIS plan manager for more information.


We are proud to offer telehealth and virtual reality psychology, harnessing the power of technology to help our patients. 

For our initial launch, we’re pleased to offer a Special Launch promotion price of $150 for 50 min*!  

Consultation (50 minutes): $150

Consultation (50 minutes) with current Mental Health Care Plan: $150

For MHCP consultations, we will be able to process your Medicare rebate for each session.

For non-MHCP consultations, you may be able to claim your sessions through your private health insurance provider. Your out of pocket expense may vary depending on levels of private health insurance coverage. Please contact your health insurance provider for more details.